User Information & Friends
You can personalize content in your game by accessing some basic user information about the current player. This information can be accessed using both the server and the client. Below is a list of methods for retrieving information about users and their friends:
Client methods:
- Services.GetUsername - Retrieves the player's Kongregate username.
- Services.GetUserId - Retrieves the player's Kongregate user ID. Note that this is not secure - if you need to securely verify a user, please see the Authentication API documentation.
- Services.IsGuest - Determines whether or not the player is a guest (i.e. not signed in to Kongregate)
- Services.GetGameAuthToken - Retrieves the game-specific authentication code for the player. This is used in conjunction with the Authentication API.
Server methods:
- User Information - HTTP endpoint used for retrieving information about Kongregate users and their friends.
- Kongpanions - HTTP endpoints for obtaining information about Kongpanions and Kongpanion ownership.
Updated over 1 year ago